Monday, December 29, 2014

Create a Real Life Dashboard with CloudBit and

This is the second post where I am working with the CloudBit and In my first article I made a very simple LED light up when an Opportunity in moved to a stage of "Closed  Won". The second time around I decided to get a little bit more creative. And what is cooler than recreating your very own Dashboards in real life with some cardboard, markers, and some littleBits!

littleBits Components

1. USB Power Module
2. CloudBit Module
3. Servo Module Components

1. Report & Dashboards
2. Analytics API
3. Apex Class to invoke API and littleBits Cloud API

Step 1 - Create a Summary Report & Dashboard

For this example I created a Summary Report. The report summarizes the total amount (value) of Opportunities that have a Stage of "Closed Won".

Once you create the report you can create the dashboard with the report as the data source. Create a gauge chart in your dashboard and set the minimum amount to 2 million and the maximum amount to 5 million. The gauge chart maps well to the Servo littleBit. 

Step 2 - Map the littleBit Servo Arc to the Gauge Value Range

The littleBit Servo has two basic modes: Step and Turn. In turn mode you can move the Servo to a specific degree based on the voltage you pass to the Servo. You can set the voltage from 0 to 100. The littleBit Servo has an arc of 145 degrees. So you will lose some precision as you can only set integer voltage values. 

To give a rough voltage value you can take the range of values in your gauge (5 million max - 2 million min - 3 million range) / 145 degrees = 20689 dollars per degree in the chart. The amount of voltage is 1% of voltage = 1.45 degrees (145 degrees / 100% voltage = 1.45 volts percentage per degree).

Step 3 - Call the Salesforce Analytics API to get the Gauge Value

Call the Analytics API to get the values from the Opportunity Report. You can use the following Apex Class which will call the API and convert the values into the appropriate voltage for the littleBit API.

public class LittleBitsReportManager 
public static LittleBitsManager.LittleBitsOutputPayload runOpptyGaugeReport()
        // Get the report ID
        List <Report> reportList = [SELECT Id,DeveloperName FROM Report where 
            DeveloperName = 'Opportunities_Won'];
        String reportId = (String)reportList.get(0).get('Id');
        // Run the report
        Reports.ReportResults results = Reports.ReportManager.runReport(reportId, true);
        System.debug('Synchronous results: ' + results);
        // Run a report synchronously
        // Get the first down-grouping in the report, in this case the StageName = 'Closed Won' on Oppty's
        Reports.Dimension dim = results.getGroupingsDown();
        Reports.GroupingValue groupingVal = dim.getGroupings()[0];
        // Construct a fact map key, using the grouping key value
        String factMapKey = groupingVal.getKey() + '!T';
        // Get the fact map from the report results
        Reports.ReportFactWithDetails factDetails =
        // Get the first summary amount from the fact map
        Reports.SummaryValue sumVal = factDetails.getAggregates()[0];
        System.debug('Summary Label: ' + sumVal.getLabel());
        System.debug('Summary Value: ' + sumVal.getValue());
        //Set the output voltage as a percent. More voltage will send the Servo farther down the gauge.
        //Guage Chart = 0% Voltage = 2 Million (Minum Amount on Gauge)
        //Gaute Chart = 100 Voltage = 5 Million (Maximum Amount on Gauge)
        //16666 = 1 voltage percent (3 million between Min and Max / 145 degrees for the servo)
        //2 Million is the bottom of gauge so subtract that from the start.
        integer outputPercent = math.round((((Decimal) sumVal.getValue()) - 2000000) / 20689.655);
        integer duration = -1; //Set the voltage peermamently until it is overwritten
        LittleBitsManager.LittleBitsOutputPayload outputPayload = new LittleBitsManager.LittleBitsOutputPayload(outputPercent,duration);
        return outputPayload;

Step 4 - Invoke the littleBits CloudBit API

Using the same Apex Class "LittleBitsManager" I created in the previous post you can call the CloudBit to set the Servo to match the Dashboard Gauge in

This simple line of code will reuse our code from the previous article and use the new code above to call the CloudBit.


Executing this line of code will make the "Real Life" Dashboard match the Dashboard in Let's see it in action!

You can take this to the next step and make this run via Scheduled Apex every 5 minutes to create a dashboard in your office! Put additional reports and charts together with more CloudBits and littleBit components to create multiple chart dashboards!