Thursday, September 1, 2011

Blogging Live From Dreamforce 2011!

So this is my third day here in San Francisco at Dreamforce 2011 and wow. If you take part technology conference and part rock concert, and mix it in a blender you'll get Dreamforce. This is my first time at Dreamforce, and my head is literally spinning with all the different ideas of applications you can build with Its incredible.

I've spent a good amount of time in the Developer Zone networking, attending sessions, and participating in the Dreamforce Hackathon. I built a new application specifically for Dreamforce which integrated with the San Francisco MUNI Transit authority in a matter of hours. Specifically for this event, I took the Chicago Bus Radar Application, and rebuilt it to make it work with SF MUNI API, and cleaned up the code for others to use more easily. My hope is that attendees have found it useful to find Buses around SF during the conference.

If you want the code for the SF MUNI HTML5 Application (Wow, thats a Mouthful!), here is a link to the unmanaged package which I have released under MIT license:

Look for a GitHub release in the near future, probably later today!

Networking here has been incredible. Its funny how many people you know from Twitter, the Developer Boards, and various blogs but you've never met face to face. To meet them in person in real life is a rare opportunity given our geographic differences, and the fact we are all up in the clouds! Connecting with folks here has been phenomenal.

I didn't even mention how awesome the Metallica concert was last night? It was hilarious to see folks in the audience using iPads to take photos and videos during the concert. Only at Dreamforce.

I present my session tomorrow morning at 8:30 AM, so hopefully folks don't party too hard tonight and wake up! It'll be worth it!